Rohan and Phil take a look at the 2022.3 release, with some great new additions and the migration of OpenZwave to ZwaveJS.
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Rohan and Phil talk to Dan from the USA about some of his interesting uses of Home Assistant.
Rohan and Phil break down the first Home Assistant release for 2022, and its a big one!
From locking people in the toilet, to hacking hover boards. Rohan and Phil talk to Brett about his use of Home Assistant
Rohan and Phil talk to Michael, a core contributor to the Material Design Icons project.
Rohan and Phil break down the final release of 2021, talk about Dark Sky replacements, and how many automations they have in their smart homes
How Joshua is automating the “I got home safely” message and powering smart blinds by ethernet
Joshua joins Rohan and Phil to give a breakdown of his smart home, including automating a safety message when someone gets home
Rohan and Phil take a look at the 2021.11 release. Phil discusses his use of Heimdall, which is similar to the new feature Home Assistant just released.
Rohan and Phil chat with Dan from the USA to learn about MySensors and how they can be used with Home Assistant
2021.10 – Tuya integrates officially, and we announce the winner of our competition
Rohan and Phil break down the 2021.10 release, and announce the winner of their competition celebrating 100 episodes of the Home Assistant Podcast.