Gavin from the Home Tech Podcast stops by to talk about his smart home journey with Home Assistant. From automating the pool to soil sensors and cameras, Gavin has...
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2025 is here and Home Assistant is kicking it off with a new cloud-ready backup solution, and a bunch of updates that have been making peoples heads scratch for a while
You may not know her, but you have most likely seen or read her work. Missy is the social media and community manager for Nabu Casa, and a home assistant user.
For the final release episode of 2024, Frenck decides to turn the microphone and questions back on to Rohan and Phil
2024.12 – Frenck breaks down the final release for 2024 with us
For the final release of the year, Frenck is here to reflect on the year and his recent GitHub Universe experience.
Tim is starting out with his Home Assistant journey like many of us did, in a rental with limited options for changing fixtures.
Section dashboard layouts are now official. LG comes to the party creating an official LG ThinQ integration. Phil and Rohan discuss the modern cord cutter dilemma
Learn how Benjamin is using AI integrations with Home Assistant to help organise and manage some of those mundane tasks we all have to do
Grant is a South African tech enthusiast and content creator, who joins Rohan and Phil to discuss his joy of using Home Assistant in his smart home
2024.7, Year of the voice chapter 7, and an amazing ESPHome update are just some of the goodies released Rohan and Phil break down.